12. 3. 2024 | 02_2024 Nonument Group | Field events

You are kindly invited to join us for Nonument Group (Neja Tomšič and Nika Grabar): Field events, presentation and discussion, on 12 March, 6.00 PM!

Founded in 2011, Nonument Group is an artist and research collective an artist and research collective focusing on Nonuments – architecture, monuments and public spaces that have undergone a shift in meaning or had lost it as a consequence of political and social changes. 

During the talk, Neja Tomšič and Nika Grabar, will introduce to the public one of Nonument Group’s main practices, “field events”. They will present current research and the next steps of their recent Free exercises (2022–ongoing) project and discuss participatory aspects of working with public space. 

The project interweaves intangible cultural heritage with architectural heritage and contemporary performance practices. It sheds light on the issue of space by staging an activity that no longer exists in the same way in public space today. In doing so, it raises the controversial question of designing space through imagining content, or imagining a healthy, empowered, multi-faceted body in motion, that space should support. 

The event is part of 02_2024’s public programme, the first public output of the collaboration between Škuc Gallery and international curators Giulia Menegale and Tīna Pētersone, taking place from 12 March until the end of the month.


Image: Nonument Group with Žigan Kranjčan: Free exercises / Proste vaje (the Bežigrad stadium / Bežigrajski stadion), 2022. Photo: Katja Goljat.


More: https://www.galerijaskuc.si/si/exhibition/02_2024/

Photo: Simao Bessa