2.10., 17.30: Guided tour of the exhibition with Alicja Rogalska (in English)
4. 10., 17.00: Screening and residency sharing with the artist in conversation with Tea Hvala (in English)
10. 10., 17.00: Bite the Hand That “Feeds” You: Social works of resistance in the City of Women’s past, present and futures: Conversation with Kristina Leko (HR) and Katja Praznik (SI/US) in English
15. 10., 18.00: Performative guided tour (in Slovenian) with Katja Bednařik Sudec, Karmen Bajec and Katrin Modic
Kinds of Pressure looks into the past, present and future of global labour conditions under capitalism through its dehumanising effects on people and communities in hyper-local contexts. The exhibition documents numerous performative processes of participation and collaboration with workers, activists and citizens, exposing the pressure points created by precarious working conditions, the privatisation of resources and the economisation of emotions. From €25 tears, to bronzed potatoes and protest songs, Rogalska’s social sculptures are playfully subversive, tender and rebellious.
Alicja Rogalska is also this year’s City of Women artist-in-residence in Švicarija (MGLC). In her research, she explored the Erased. Shortly after Slovenia declared independence in 1991, around twenty thousand people were left without citizenship. The Erased were deprived of their social existence. The artist asked how to represent an identity that was taken away. Some possible answers and performative actions from the residency were shared through an artist talk at Švicarija on 13 September. She will present her new work, created at the residency, at a screening and conversation at Škuc Gallery on Friday, 4 October, at 17.00, as part of the exhibition Kinds of Pressure.
The performative guided tour of the exhibition is organized by the SOdelujem Creative Office. It focuses on one’s feeling of their own body in relation to the works on display and the exhibition space. The tour inviting participants to experience art differently under the motto “Bring culture closer to everyone!” is free of charge and takes an hour. The tour guides are Katja Bednařik Sudec, Karmen Bajec and Katrin Modic.
As the number of participants is limited, we are accepting obligatory applications until all capacities are full on: so-delujem@guest.arnes.si or +386 31 453 743 (SOdelujem Creative Office). In case of a wider interest, the guided tour will be repeated, and the new timing transferred to all interested parties. If you wish to take part but cannot do it alone due to personal circumstances (e. g. sensory disability, movement disability or difficulties in understanding), the Art Lovers Club: Assistance is offering company free of charge. In that case, be sure to apply at least three days prior to the event. The gallery is wheelchair accessible.
Alicja Rogalska practice is research-led, interdisciplinary and focuses on social structures and the political subtext of the everyday. She mostly works in specific contexts making situations, performances, videos and installations in collaboration with other people, to collectively search for emancipatory ideas for the future. She is currently artist-in-residence at the Stuart Hall Library/INIVA in London and working on a commission for Art Exchange in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences at Essex University and Focal Point Gallery. She has recently presented her work at Biennale Warszawa, Kyoto Art Centre, Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka and MuseumsQuartier in Vienna.
osborn&møller sta Emma Møller (DK) in Mary Osborn (GB), neodvisni kuratorski duo, ki ni vezan na nobeno posamično organizacijo, mesto ali državo in ki ustvarja začasne prostore za uprizoritvena srečanja. Zanima ju performans kot praksa, ki lahko zmoti strukture zatiranja, ponovno premisli hierarhije, osvetli izmuzljive meje med telesi ter ponudi prostor za kritično empatijo in domišljijo. Doslej sta kuratorki sodelovali z organizacijami Wellcome Collection (London), Mesto žensk (Ljubljana), Warehouse9 (Kopenhagen), Artsadmin (London) in performingborders (London). Njun prvi projekt, Telesa onkraj meja: Ozemlje (Warehouse9, Kopenhagen, 2017), je raziskoval geopolitične taktike ustrahovanja. Nastal je kot odziv na zelo specifičen trenutek poleti leta 2016, ko sta kustosinji začeli sodelovati in ko se je meja med Veliko Britanijo in celinsko Evropo začela zarisovati na novo.
Exhibition view photos: Bojan Mijatović